Thursday, 7 August 2014

New Home

I'm back!

We moved into our new home last Thursday evening. 

As with any home move there was some sadness leaving a house that we had made into a home and lived in for many years; some drama - furniture not fitting through doors and having to be disassembled and some excitement about the new house. 

We finished packing late on Wednesday evening and the removal company arrived a little late at 9:30 on Thursday morning to take us to our new home. It then took far longer to pack up the van than we had anticipated and so the furniture didn't leave until after 4pm in the afternoon. It was another hour or so before I had finished hoovering and washing floors and I left the house for the final time. Fortunately, the new owner was not moving in the same day!

It was after 8pm when the removal company finally left us and the furniture and a plethora of boxes in the new house. 

Unfortunately I'd only seen the house interior once before the purchase completed. This meant that I did not have the opportunity to measure furniture and plan where it should go in each room. 

Somewhat inevitably we found that the two double mirror wardrobes that we had along one wall in our old home didn't fit the alcove in the new bedroom and had to be split between two bedrooms!

I'd asked the removal company to put each item of furniture roughly in the middle of each room so that I could do some cleaning before moving the furniture into position. 

By the end of Monday I had cleaned every room and the furniture in place but the house was an obstacle course of boxes. 

Today, I am left with two rooms (including my craft room) to unpack. Everything else has been unpacked and put away.

I'll share some photos soon!